The DNLTC prepares an annual Overall Work Program and a Regional Transportation Plan every four years, as well as programs projects into the transportation improvement programs every two years. The DNLTC is also responsible for Transportation Development Act (TDA) funds. TDA funds involve two major funding sources; Local Transportation Funds (LTF) and State Transit Assistance Funds (STA). TDA funds are used by the City of Crescent City and Del Norte County for transportation planning, expenses related to administering the TDA, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, the transit system, and for street and road projects. STA is allocated to the transit operator for transportation planning and other transit related projects.

Transportation Funding

As the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA), the Del Norte Local Transportation Commission makes decisions and sets priorities for the expenditure of various local, state and federal transportation funds for public transit, local street and road capital and maintenance projects, highway, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities. Long range planning for transportation funding is done through the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The DNLTC in coordination with member agencies and the Technical Advisory Committee prepare the Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) every five years, identifying capital and other improvement projects for programming.

DNLTC Funding Resources

The DNLTC distributes funds from the following resources:

1. Transportation Development Act

2. Regional Surface Transportation Program

3. State Transportation Improvement Program

4. Department of Motor Vehicles Fees

Where Does the Money Come From?

Funding for transportation projects in Del Norte County comes from a few main sources:

  • Per Gallon Gas Taxes (State & Federal)

  • Sales Taxes (both on diesel, as well as other goods/services)

  • DMV Fees

The money generated through these taxes and fees is channeled through the various funding programs established by voters and/or state and federal statutes.

Overview of Transportation Funding in California — A chart demonstrating the complexity of transportation funding (subject to constant change with new federal or state legislative actions)

Quick Links

Caltrans Local Programs/Caltrans Local Assistance — Information on grant opportunities and implementing local transportation projects

Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) Guide to Transportation Funding — What is being done to address California’s transportation problems

Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) Transportation Publications

State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) — Prepared by the California Transportation Commission

Caltrans Division of Transportation Programming — Information on STIP, Proposition 1B, and other Funding Programs